What is SMTP Port 25 Blocking?

All SMTP traffic (outgoing e-mail sent via the Internet) is normally routed through "Port 25", the industry's standard "channel" used for communication between a mail client (like Outlook) and a mail server (eg, our servers). However, many ISP's (Internet Service Providers like AOL, Verizon, etc.) are now choosing to block traffic on Port 25 in an effort to cut down on the amount of spam mail that is sent through their connections. Port 25 blocking can create problems for e-mail servers and block legitimate e-mail as well as spam. If you can receive email without any problems, but are having trouble sending mail using the settings above, your ISP may be blocking SMTP traffic on port 25.

Here are a few of the major ISP's that are known to be blocking SMTP traffic on port 25:

    * AOL
    * AT&T
    * Bell Sympatico
    * Earthlink
    * Flashnet
    * MediaOne
    * Mindspring
    * MSN
    * NetZero
    * Verizon (may also require you to use "outgoing.verizon.net" for SMTP server entries)

If your ISP is blocking SMTP traffic on port 25, you have two options:

   1. Change your SMTP port setting from port 25 to port 26. (We have set up our SMTP servers to allow traffic on either port 25 or port 26)
   2. Set your SMTP server settings to those of your ISP's. They can provide the settings for you to send email via their SMTP server. For example: "mail.aol.com". After doing that, you will be sending mail though your ISP's servers rather than our SMTP servers.
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